Sofist – An International Journal of Philosophy dedicates its 5th issue of April 2023 to G.W.F. Hegel and Karl Marx. We consider, of course, the work of Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels’ together. It is not often that these two philosophers are made together subject of the same issue of an academic journal. But Hegel-Marx relation is perhaps the most interesting relation of the 19th century in philosophy and it even continues to be relevant today. Modern philosophy continues to reconstitute itself with Hegel again and again. Although Marx is seen an entirely different case, even being placed outside philosophy he permanently on the agenda of philosophy and occupies philosophers. If sometimes occurs the impression that philosophy cannot continue without Marx there must be some justification for this. How to define the relation of these two philosophers? Where is Hegel to be placed in the history of philosophy? Who is Marx as a philosopher? Is Marx to be paced within or outside the philosophy when he calls for changing the world? Is changing the world as Kant demands a need and desire of philosophy? How can we account for the influence of these two philosophers on the history of philosophy? Is it possible to view the history of philosophy from a different point view if we take Hegel and Marx as starting point? Is it possible to develop from this point of view a new approach to the issues of philosophy concerning the questions of its new constitution? Without limiting individual working themes we would like to suggest following working subjects below. We will be publishing papers which may investigate both philosophers separately or research the relationship of these two philosophers to one another:
Themes and working topics:
- Hegel’s system of sciences as a theory of philosophy
- The relation of Phenomenology of Sprit and Science of Logic
- Philosophy of agent and Phenomenology of Sprit
- The relation of theory and praxis and Phenomenology of Sprit
- The theory of modern logic and Science of Logic
- Philosophy of being and Science of Logic
- The theory of judgement and Science of Logic
- Modern society and political philosophy, and Philosophy of Rights
- Hegel and the theory of aesthetics
- Hegel and philosophy of history
- Marx and theory of philosophy
- Marx and questions concerning the realisation of philosophy
- Marx and the theory of logic
- Marx and philosophy of being
- Marx and epistemology
- Marx and the philosophy of the agent and history
- Marx and the rights and political philosophy
- Hegel, Engels, Marx and classical German philosophy
- Marx, Engels and classical German philosophy
Papers should be written according to reference and citation rules of the Journal and submitted until 15th February 2023 to the
Doğan Göçmen and Doğan Barış Kılınç
Issue editors