You are currently viewing Sofist: 1st Issue

Sofist: 1st Issue


Gadamer’s Critique of Kant and Art as Play
Volkan Ay

A Ranciérian (Contrary) Reading: Marx’s Platonian Umbilical Cord
Özgül Ekinci

Introduction to Hegel’s Conception of Philosophy as “Objective, Demonstrated Science”
Doğan Göçmen

Philosophy in Literature: The Case of The Foreigner
Ali Osman Gündoğan

Philosophos Basileus or Philosopher’s Examination with Power
Abrim Gürgen

Miracle Criticisms of the Enlightenment Age: Hume and Spinoza
Dilek Fesli, Taşkıner Ketenci

Nancy’s Nietzsche
Onur Varolun

Going With The Flow: A Comparison Between Heidegger’s Gelassenheit And Chinese Wu Wei
Engin Yurt

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